Emily Daggett, MAT, BCASE

Advocate & Consultant, Co-Founder

Emily Daggett, MAT, BCASE

Emily is a dedicated educator with many years of experience teaching in inclusive classrooms within Boston Public Schools. She is a trained Advocate who holds a Board Certification in Advocacy in Special Education from the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET). Emily has served as a Coordinator for children with medical complexities and multiple disabilities, providing essential support to families as they navigate educational, healthcare, and state systems. Her expertise helps families access the resources tailored to their child's unique needs.

Emily’s philosophy is that families are the most effective advocates for their children, especially when they have the right support and coaching. As such, she is committed to equipping caregivers with the needed tools and guidance. Her approach focuses on empowering caregivers as they are the foremost experts on their child’s unique needs.

Drawing from her personal experience as a parent of a child with developmental disabilities and a complex communication profile, Emily understands the challenges families face. She is a valuable resource for identifying gaps and navigating available resources that can benefit families. This lived experience has fueled her passion for advocacy and educating community partners.

Families are the most effective advocates for their children, especially when they have the right support and coaching. They are the foremost experts on their child’s unique needs.
— Emily Daggett, MAT, BCASE

Emily serves on the Executive Board of her local Special Education Advisory Council (SEPAC), where she works tirelessly to enhance educational opportunities for all children. Additionally, she is a Parent Representative on the Family Advisory Council for Boston Children’s Hospital's Complex Care Service, ensuring that families' voices are heard in important healthcare discussions. Emily is the PTO President at her youngest daughter’s school, which specializes in students with multiple disabilities and medical complexities.